I told you I wasn't going to be the best at updates, but nonetheless here I am. I think most of my problem is that I am finding it hard to think of things to write about because I don't feel that our daily lives are that interesting to anyone other than us :). However, I suppose this blog isn't just for others to read (and hopefully enjoy) it is really for our little family to have to document our lives as we grow.
Right now we are trying to get Kayden out of her Fisher Price Rock and Play into her crib.
Fisher Price Rock and Play
As you can see the Rock and Play is at an angle and the sides come up so she feels all snuggled in. The crib is obviously flat and very open. She can usually sleep in her crib at bed time for about 4-5 hrs (so I should feel that is progress), but then she needs her Nuk and possibly some help falling back asleep whereas in her rock and play she could sleep up to 7-8 hrs uninterrupted and could fall back to sleep on her own. We have loved the rock and play since day one and so has she. It has definitely helped her sleep better and longer and the fact that it is portable makes it so nice for short visits back to Freeport to see Grandma and Grandpa. Now the hard part is the transition. We have also swaddled Kayden since day one and she really takes to it. But we have finally gotten to the point where she can sleep with her arms out and it doesn't bother her. However, I think a full swaddle would help her in the crib, but I don't want to go backwards. I think partially we just need to stick with the crib to it instead of going back and forth when we have a bad night. Also, we have been going on so many weekend trips that we haven't been able to stick with the crib consistently for days on end. Either way...that is our current struggle. Enough about that....on to current pictures of Kayden :) (what everyone is really interested in)
Recent Pictures
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