Day 1 - August 24th
Kayden learned to roll over! I noticed that she was using her arms to push herself up, like a mini push up. When I saw this, I knew that the first roll wasn't far away. I put her on her tummy yesterday and within 30 seconds she had made her first roll from tummy to back. I couldn't believe it. It was so fast I almost missed it. Thankfully, I didn't. I was so amazed that it happened...just like that. The day before she couldn't do this, and then the next day she could. She normally lays like this during tummy time...
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What did we do before Ipads?!?! LOL |
I tried to grab my phone really quick to get a video and again...barely got it started and she rolled over. Of course, as most milestones will probably go, by the time I really had the phone "ready" she wouldn't do it again. I wanted to share the video I did get of her roll, but it is sorta shaking and obviously, as previously mentioned, I was not quite ready.
Needless to say, I was such a proud Mommy. Andy and I have tried a few times since so he could see it and she is being a little stinker and making us wait :) I am sure we will see it again soon.
Day 2 - August 25
This Saturday morning was like any normal morning. Around 6AM Kayden woke up and was ready for her breakfast. I checked her on the monitor to see if I "really" had to get up or if it was just a little fussing. When I looked in the video monitor I noticed something blackish in the corner of her crib. I didn't really think much of it. I went into her room to get her and the little blackish thing was a small box with a pink bow on it. I left Kayden in her crib to ask Andy what this little box was. He appeared to still be sleeping, but was able to ask if I saw the card.
The card?? No, I didn't. I went back into her room and grabbed the card too. I brought it back into our room and turned the light on. I sat down on the bed, Andy rolled over to watch me. I opened the card and read the sweetest message ever. It made me tear up even. After reading the card, Andy HAD to get Kayden so she could watch me open her gift.
I opened my gift and this is what it was...
Now, there is a story behind this beautiful ring. On our 4 year wedding anniversary (July 26) Andy and I had a date night planned, but I wanted to stop at the ring store so I could get my ring cleaned. It sparkles so nice when it is all cleaned like new. While we were there, the owner Kevin, offered us a beverage (a Bud Light)...why yes, please. Since we had some time to kill, we were looking at some of the rings. Then...I saw this one. It is a princess cute sapphire gemstone with small diamonds on the sides of the band. I told Andy, "This could by my gift for Kayden's birth and when she is getting married she can wear it on her wedding day as her something blue". This idea in my head made me want this ring soooo much. However, after we really contemplated the price and the fact that I am not working right now, we decided it was too much and we left for dinner.
I kept talking about the ring...I should say "drilling" Andy for it, when deep down I knew it was still impossible. But, Andy likes to make the impossible, possible. He worked some extra hours and got the ring at a good deal and surprised me with one of the biggest surprises since our engagement.
I couldn't believe that he got me the ring, or that he was able to keep it a secret from me this long. I am so lucky to have him as my husband. I told Kayden this morning I hope that someday she finds a husband as good as her Daddy.